<---Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation--->

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Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation


Gold Skulls in the Training Level

  1. The first skull is at the beginning toward the left.
  2. The second skull found is in the shallow water below the very first jump you are instructed to do.
  3. The third is below the running jump section of training.
  4. The fourth one found is in the water of your swim training session.
  5. The fifth one is found during the outdoor sequence where the old man is fighting two of the wild boars. It's around to the right, all the way into a right hand corner.
  6. The sixth one is on the floor on the right side of the room where the spikes are near the exit door just before Lara goes out to learn to crawl through the crawlspace.
  7. The seventh one is the one in the crawlspace (you called it the fifth one.)
  8. The eighth one is on an elevated ledge/walkway that's off to the right where Lara follows the old man up the ramp just before he makes the speech about going left or right depending ... The tour to the left is harder, I found.

Unlimited Items, Weapons and Ammo

  1. While in the game, face DIRECTLY NORTH. (This is a little difficult but you must be facing EXACTLY NORTH!)
  2. Go into your inventory and notice that the compass is almost transparent.
  3. Highlight the "SMALL MEDIPACK".
  4. Hold down R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 and line up with the North letter on compass icon.
  5. When you think it's perfectly lined up, press and hold UP on the d-pad.

NOTE: When done successfully, flares and medipacks will say unlimited, to get weapons to say umlimited exit and re-enter the inventory screen.